"Mark, what are you doing? Don't you realize what you are pointing out is old worn out rhetoric? Today we are much more tolerant and accepting of our brothers and sisters in the Catholic faith, and they us. What makes you think you have the complete understanding of whether someone is saved or not? How arrogant and self-righteous can you be anyway? You should not judge, or you will surely be judged, that's what the Bible says! Why do you feel you need to stir up trouble anyway, let each person do as they see fit, just worry about yourself. I'm sure you can find plenty wrong with yourself that needs correcting! You should be more like me, I can be comfortable and enjoy fellowship in any Christian church I go to, because I am not looking for a perfect church, besides, if I thought I needed to go to a perfect church, once I walked in, it would no longer be perfect! Be a peace maker, not a trouble maker. God is the judge, not you!"
Are you thinking this, or at least some part of it? Well, if nothing stated above fits your thinking, and you actually agree with things I have shared, then why are you not following this blog? Why would you not want me, or others, to think you are reading this, or that you agree? If you think I am wrong, why have you not corrected me, or challenged any of my statements? When your ears have heard truth, regardless of whether you should chose to embrace it or not, you will stand accountable before Christ for how you followed, obeyed and shared that truth. Even if you say to yourself, amen, about a truth you know to be from the Bible, yet you neglect to defend that truth to those you see are in denial of that very truth, you yourself are no better than they, in the eyes of God.
Jesus did not give us his Word and send his Spirit to us as an option for living our lives, he gave us them for us to have life! Without his Word and his Spirit in our lives, our lives are meaningless, and nothing we do, outside of his truth and his Spirit, has any value whatsoever. You or I cannot be good enough, kind enough or smart enough to gain the favor of God without full surrender and adherence to the truth written in the pages of the Bible, God's holy Word. Who are we to decide what we will believe and what we won't believe? If God wanted us to figure it all out on our own, then why did he have to come here and die for us and leave us his Spirit to remind us of all truth? Yes, he gave us a free will to chose him and his truth, but he certainly did not leave it up to us to define that truth. He defined it, clearly in his written Word., and knowing we would have trouble seeing that clearly, he gave us his Spirit, a pair of glasses, if you will, so we could see that truth more clearly.
What I have shared in this blog is truth, right from the Word of God. I am not sharing my opinions, rather, I am sharing with you the very same things the Spirit of God has shared with me in enlightening me to the truth contained in the pages of the Word, the Bible. I am also sharing with you the enlightening that the Spirit of God has shown me over the years in regards to the false faith I was taught and raised in, though with good intention and purpose, yet still a false teaching, and thus a deterrent to life! I chose to share the words and truth that bring life, that come from the Word of God and have Spiritual meaning and interpretation, not mine or someone else's. I have to know that the truths I believe, come from Christ, you or I should trust no man in these matters. This can only be accomplished by a complete surrender to Christ, a repentance of our sin and our rebellion, and an openness to accepting his Spirit, to guide and direct us. This my friends, is exactly what Christ meant when he said, we must be born again! If you are relying on the teachings of a hierarchical religious order to teach you what is true and what is false, you are subjecting yourself to their will in every matter. Do not believe the lie that only certain "spiritually gifted" men can properly interpret scripture for you. God has given each and every one of us what we need to understand his truth, and we can all share equally in the guidance of his Spirit, we only need to surrender, that is all.
It is my hope that, if you haven't already, you will give your life over to Christ and his leading, and if you have, you will seek his Spirit to guide you into a more complete understanding of his truth. If you are there now, and you are saying amen to this, then God Bless you and keep seeking him, but more importantly, share him with others! Share his truth, help others to see their need for him, and have life!
God Bless.
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