Saturday, March 23, 2013

Who's your Father?

My father was a gentle, hardworking loving dad. He has passed away.

Nick Palladino was my father, he gave me physical life. No one else can say that. No other male being on this earth, can truly, honestly, say that. When my dad was alive I called him daddy, dad, pops, bitzy(no idea why?) and of course my father. After he died and was gone, I have not needed someone to 'take his place' here, or represent him here for me. If I was a babe or young child, then I suppose I would need a 'dad' to support me and my family, and of course love me, but he would never be biologically considered my father. Even with a full adoption and name change, my genetic DNA would still be in part (yes, you too mom) from Nick Palladino, my father. So I believe I have made this point clear, we only have one true father in the flesh, established at conception, and no way to change it, nor would I want to.

My Father is a gentle, righteous, loving God. He lives!

God is my heavenly Father, he gave me Spiritual life, and no one else can claim that. No other being on this earth, or in the heavens, can claim to be my Spiritual Father, only God. I have no need for two or three Fathers, since God is everywhere, he sent his Son to save me, I've invited his Spirit to live in me, why do I need another? I don't, and if you have God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in you, you don't need another Father either. It really is that simple. As the Bible tells us, in Christs words, in Mt.23:9 "And call no man yourfather upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven."

So, why do the catholics refer to the pope as the "Holy Father" and their 'priests' as "Father"? Most of them do because it is, to them, simply a title, like Mr., or Sir, and think nothing of it. That certainly is understandable, and I too, at one time, did the same, albeit, not knowing what I was really saying and doing. In light of the fact that I believe most lay-catholics have this mindset about it, I think I should first show what the Roman Catholic church doctrine says about this subject. I will show a small portion of the decrees, showing the key points they make. You can always go on line and google the documents I list and read the entire script, it is just too much, and a little confusing, to read in this forum.

ON NOVEMBER 21, 1964
In regards to Bishops/Priests:
Let them, as fathers in Christ, take care of the faithful whom they have begotten by baptism and their teaching.(186)
('whom they have begotten' ? We are 'begotten of the Father', God, through Christ according to scripture, not by an act of man)
On account of this sharing in their priesthood and mission, let priests sincerely look upon the bishop as their father and reverently obey him.
Bishops, as vicars and ambassadors of Christ, govern the particular churches entrusted to them (58*) by their counsel, exhortations, example, and even by their authority and sacred power,
Priests' Relationships with Others
The Christian faithful, for their part, should realize their obligations to their priests, and with filial love they should follow them as their pastors and fathers.
What are catholics instructed to do?

Address Western Church Diocesan Priests verbally as "Father Last Name."

Address the Pope verbally as "His Holiness" "Your Holiness" or "Dear Holy Father"

So, I don't believe I am saying anything new here most catholics and people do not already know.
Everyone simply believes it is just a title, and they are correct, that is just what it is.
The issue here is, who deserves those titles?
God defines the word "Holy". Yes, the Bible tells us to be Holy, but how do we know what that means? It goes on to say Be Holy as Christ is Holy. Our 'Holiness' is from God and Christ alone, it's not 'ours'. We cannot produce it, create it or do any sort of work to attain it. Holiness comes from God, and is possessed by Him alone. We only share in it, byHim being in us. So therefore the only one that should, or could ever be addressed as 'His Holiness' or 'Holy Father' or for that matter 'Father' is God and God alone, who to the Christian is Christ.
To address the pope with these titles is also in direct contradiction to one of our earliest commandments that came from God Himself, commandment NUMBER ONE, "You shall have no other gods before me." To refer to, or think of a priest(man) or a pope(man) in this manner, is to place them directly between you and God, and therefore they have become a 'living god' before God. The same concept, especially, applies to praying to dead 'saints', Mary etc. To send up prayers to them is to place them before God, and God warned the Hebrews (and us) NOT to do this. To give anyone, living or dead, a title or name that belongs to God and Christ alone is to blaspheme the name of God, and thus the catholics have violated yet another commandment "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain." The very church that purports to uphold the ten commandments (although there are many, many more commandments Christ gave us that we are required to uphold as well) can't even get past the first one!
It is not my desire to be mean spirited or "ant-catholic" in my statements here. It is my desire to bring truth to one of the biggest lies 'men of faith' have brought before the 'believers'. We simply just cannot go on being ignorant about these subjects. God DOES hold each and every one of us accountable for our own actions. We choose to call someone what we choose to call them, and we only call someone something they tell you to call them, either out of ignorance or devotion to them. Imagine the audacity of the person if, for example, your boss required you to address him a 'his holiness' or 'supreme ruler' or even 'father'. You would immediately quit (I hope) and go find a job with a boss who is not insane! Wouldn't you? But, we are not talking about a job here, this is ETERNITY we are talking about. That is one apple cart I, for one, am not willing to upset! And my desire is for my soul to remain on God and Christs side of eternity, and steer clear of the prince of this worlds.
If you have read this post, then you cannot now claim ignorance about this topic. This is exactly why Christ told us to go out and preach his Gospel message, because once it 'falls on the ears' of man, it cannot be removed from their judgement in the end. Whether you adhere to his teaching or not, you cannot escape the truth, and the truth will prevail. If you are catholic, and you continue to address your 'priest' or 'pope' in this manner, than you are, and will be held, accountable for that.
I sincerely hope this subject has spurred some thought, and desire, to find out the real truth of your faith. I am willing to answer any questions or even hear your comments about this, or other topics I have, and will, address in this blog.

God Bless.

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