Saturday, March 23, 2013

My Purpose

I have created this blog for one purpose, and that is to compare what Roman Catholicism teaches, to what the Word of God teaches us in the Bible. One would think the two would go hand in hand, but I intend to show how this is not so.
We will touch on many points and I hope to at least help those who are in the Roman Catholic faith, who may not clearly understand their church's doctrines, to understand more clearly just what they are practicing. What I have learned, from the leading of the Holy Spirit, I would like to share with you. I have not had any formal education on these subjects, and what I share comes wholly and completely from my faith in the Holy scriptures to be inerrant, and from God, though penned by man.
I will be using actual wording from both the Roman Catholic official doctrinal publications (from various councils and decrees) and the King James version of the Bible as a base for the comparisons.
I welcome any questions or comments and look forward to sharing what I see as important truths to further the great commission, given to us by Jesus himself, for the saving of men's souls.

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