In the almost 30 years that I was a Roman Catholic, and the fact that my home church was the Immaculate Conception Church in Pompey New York, I always thought the name was referring to the 'immaculate conception' of Christ. The Biblical truth of how the virgin Mary was infused by the Holy Spirit of God, and conceived a child, our Christ, Jesus, born without sin. After getting saved, and becoming a new man, born again, with scales falling off my eyes, I soon learned that this catholic term does not refer to the birth of Christ at all! To my shock and disbelief, I was to discover that this term actually refers to the false doctrine, made dogma (official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church) in the mid 1800's by Pope Pius IX, that Mary herself was actually, also, born without sin!
The veneration and adoration of Mary was not part of the teachings and practices of the church until later in the 4th century, when the 'fallen church', under Constantine, began to emerge. Certainly during the time of the writing of scripture, and the apostles, Mary was never considered 'holy' or someone to be venerated and followed. She was simply a believer and follower of Christ. There is absolutely no evidence to the contrary that exists in the Bible, or any other early scholarly writings of the times. As a matter of fact, during the times of Christs teachings and ministry, while he was a man on earth, he himself certainly never directed us to go through his mom or any other apostle or 'saint' to get to Him. The Catholic leaders like to point out that since Jesus, at Mary's request, turned the water into wine at the marriage in Cana, he naturally will do her bidding and answer her requests now in heaven. This would mean that Jesus would actually have to view Mary, in heaven, much the same as he did here on earth, as his mother. But, I will submit to you now, that Jesus did treat Mary with respect, as his mother, while he grew to be a man, but once his ministry began, the Biblical evidence shows that Jesus took on the role of savior and Lord, and Mary was to him, someone who needed him for salvation, just as any other human born into this world does. The most crucial evidence of this, which the Holy Spirit showed me early in my walk as a true believer, was when Jesus was hanging on the cross, just before he died. There, at the foot of the cross was Mary, his earthly, born in the flesh mother, weeping at the fate of her son, and by her stood John, the apostle which, the Bible says, Jesus loved. Jesus, seeing that his mother, acting as any mother would, still viewed him as her son who is about to die, and having compassion for her, yet keeping his purpose, said to her "woman, behold your son" referring to John standing with her. Then he turned to John and said "behold, your mother". What he was saying to Mary here is quite simple, in plain terms, he was telling her "Mary, I am no longer to be viewed by you, or anyone else, as your son. I am your Savior, your Lord from this point on." Knowing the empty place this would leave in her heart, he replaced that emptiness with the disciple whom he loved, and offered John as his earthly replacement of a son. Mary had other children, including sons, so Jesus wasn't just providing Mary with a son to care for her needs by some Jewish tradition, he was separating his earthly man requirements, we all have, to respect and obey and love our parents, from whom he was always intended to be, her(our) Savior, Lord and God. I can assure you Mary is not in heaven pulling motherly rank on Jesus and getting him to do our bidding (answer our prayers). She is falling at his feet and worshiping him just as every deceased 'saint' is doing in heaven!
Certainly we all have been given the freedom of choice by God. He has not tried to cram his truth down our throats, or force us to believe in Him and His truth. But, through love and righteousness, he has given us his Word and his Spirit as our guide. Once we come to him in faith, he has promised us his help, and we can enjoy his love and fellowship and trust in him, and him alone. There is no need for any other, and to look to anyone else in prayer because God is "too hard, or too stern to approach directly" is not only an insult to the Lord, but it will surely bring his anger and wrath upon you. How can God, the Lord, be like this you may ask? Well, his anger and wrath is toward the Devil, and all his ways. If you are being influenced and led by the Devil, then you too will share in his punishment. Bottom line, if your name is not written in God's book of life, than you will not be spared of the same fate that Satan surely will find. Being baptized, especially as an infant, does not guarantee anyone a place in heaven, though we do not get there by our works and good deeds either. One must be born again, and have the Holy Spirit of God living and working in them. Then, and only then, can we find the right path and follow the right way. Surely, we would not find ourselves praying to, trusting in, or worshiping anyone, or thing, besides Him who is above all others, who's name is life, and who's purpose is true, Jesus Christ, our savior and Lord, above, or below, Him, there is no other.
God Bless.
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